saul el canelo alvarez next fight 2010

saul el canelo alvarez next fight 2010
Is Saul "Canelo" Alvarez Really a Protected Fighter? Fan's Take.
April 23rd, 2010 | Post Comment · Tweet · Pin It. Los Angeles (April 23)…At just 19-years-old, Mexican boxing wunderkind Saul “Canelo” Alvarez holds an. I step in the ring, and now to fight in Las Vegas on such an important night of boxing is the next step .. El CANELO WILL rip anyone apart can't wait for the fight this sat.
Saul 'El Canelo' Alvarez Get's Rocked General Boxing Forum.. After this 'money fight' against another welter (albeit the best fighter in boxing), there's no going down for Canelo. GBP is. Join Date: Jun 2010 .. He's beaten a slew of better fighters since then and looked good doing it. Non-issue. Next.
Sep 13, 2011. LOS ANGELES – In 2010, fight fans saw the emergence of both Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and Matthew “Magic” Hatton onto the world boxing.
Canelo Alvarez was left alone to prove who the Mexicans favorite is.
Robert Guerrero then Saul Alvarez for Floyd Mayweather Jr | Boxing.

saul el canelo alvarez next fight 2010
'Cowardly' Canelo Alvarez Street Attack Cause of KO Loss, Says.

Jul 27, 2011. WBC junior middleweight champion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez, and his next opponent, Alfonso Gomez, went face to face during. LOS ANGELES – In 2010, fight fans saw the emergence of both Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and Matthew. Posted in Canelo Alvarez Boxing News, Cuando Pelea el Canelo Alvarez, El.
Apr 17, 2013. It's Really Happening: Floyd Mayweather, Jr. To Fight Saul Alvarez. That means there'll be even more arguing next week – yay! Saul “Canelo”. Perhaps it was a blip, or maybe “El Abejon” is just limited. I don't think. “El Vikingo” lost to a similarly awkward lefty in Rendall Munroe back in 2010. I like him.
Saul 'El Canelo' Alvarez Get's Rocked - Page 5 - East Side Boxing.
Saul Alvarez – Future Superstar? - Boxing News.
Jan 13, 2013. with Saul Alvarez's team claiming El Canelo will be next after an. Mayweather and Alvarez are set to fight on the same evening on May 4, .. his first novel The Fixer was published in 2010 to no acclaim; amazingly it was.
Saul 'El Canelo' Alvarez Get's Rocked - Page 5 - East Side Boxing.